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The postoperative period is evaluated in two different phases: early and late stages. The early stage is completed within one month with hospitalization, discharge, and a gradual diet program. Since obesity surgery is performed laparoscopically, postoperative pain is quite minimal.
Most patients feel a compressive pain in the chest and abdomen on the first night due to the laparoscopic technique, which is not very bothersome. After 48 hours post-surgery, pain decreases to a level where painkillers are no longer needed for most patients. Nausea is a common condition seen in almost half of the patients on the night of surgery.
The most likely reasons are the reduced stomach size and edema along the incision line of the stomach. It is controlled with intravenous anti-nausea medications. Just like pain, nausea also subsides within 48 hours to a level where medication is no longer required. Patients are discharged from the hospital on the third postoperative day. After that, a gradual diet program begins.
Roughly; in the first week, clear liquid foods are consumed, in the second week, thicker liquids and soups, in the third week, pureed foods, and after the fourth week, normal eating resumes. After this period, nutritional guidance continues under the supervision of a dietitian. Filling the reduced stomach with high-quality foods is essential. A protein-based diet is prioritized over carbohydrates and fats.
For example, instead of filling the reduced stomach with half a plate of dumplings, filling it with two meatballs supports faster and healthier weight loss. In the late postoperative period, monitoring patients for vitamin and mineral levels is crucial. In general, blood tests are conducted at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months post-surgery. In surgeries like gastric bypass, which cause malabsorption, lifelong vitamin and mineral supplementation is required.
Dr. Toygar TOYDEMİR 1976 yılında doğdu. 1994 yılında Gaziantep Fen Lisesi’nden mezun oldu ve aynı yıl Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinde tıp eğitimine başladı. Altı yıllık tıp eğitimini bitirdikten sonra 2001-2006 yılları arası Genel Cerrahi İhtisasını yapacağı Şişli Etfal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesine atandı. Erzurum Palandöken Devlet Hastanesinde mecburi hizmetini tamamladıktan sonra 2008-2009 yılları arası klinik şefliğini de üstlendiği Adana Asker Hastanesinde askerlik görevini tamamladı. Evli ve 2 çocuk babası olan Dr. Toygar Toydemir iyi derecede İngilizce ve orta derecede İtalyanca bilmektedir.